Johnson Controls, Inc. Worldwide Headquarters Parking Deck is located at 5757 North Bay Avenue in Glendale, WI. Hunzinger Construction Company served as Construction Manager for the massive 698,375 square foot Multi-phased commercial renovation and expansion. Gensler, a global design firm with offices in Chicago, served as the campus development architect. The project drew international attention as the first project in the world to achieve multi-building LEED Platinum certification. As part of the overall project, Hunzinger built a 419 stall, 150,231 SF, 4 level parking deck. The structure was designed and built to accommodate future expansion. The unique green features of the deck include hookups for “plug and drive” electric vehicles.

The precast concrete parking deck and surrounding buildings are nestled within 13 acres of newly planted native prairie vegetation with a diverse mix of native plants to support local wildlife. Natural wetlands were restored, new water features established, and non-native plant species removed. In addition, nearly 3 acres of existing non-permeable parking lot surface was replaced with permeable pavers over a gravel base, allowing rain and snowmelt to be filtered and directed into a detention pond. The change significantly reduced polluted runoff into waterways and the municipal storm water system.

Projects such as this only work when the leaders for the stakeholders communicate with each other on a meaningful level regarding expectations and overall vision. We always felt your team was willing and interested in sharing our ideas and for that we are grateful.

Stephen A. Katz, Senior Associate, Gensler