Navistar’s International Truck and Engine Corporation located at 10400 W North Ave, Melrose Park, IL, is a manufacturer and marketer of medium and heavy trucks and mid-range diesel engines sold worldwide. Hunzinger Construction Company was hired as Construction Manager for the 2.5 million square foot facility renovation that was originally built by General Electric in the 1940’s to build bombers during World War II. Years after the war, Navistar bought the property and began developing and manufacturing engines and vehicles on the research and development site. Flad Architects and Engineer’s Madison office served as the project designer.
The renovation took place in an occupied facility and included building 4 new chassis dyno cells and creating 6 engine dyno cells out of the old bomber cells. The old cells were gutted, shortened, cut down and fully modernized. Additional new testing labs and research development facilities were also renovated over this 10 month project.
Mike Flath
Plant Engineer, Navistar